Stay Healthy on Vacation
When you travel, take your healthy lifestyle with you.
By: PGH, Preferred Global Health
You may think it is not possible to have a good time, enjoy good food, and stay physically active while giving yourself a true holiday with fun, rest, and relaxation. You definitely can!
During the joyous Songkran festivities and vacation, don’t wash away your good luck and healthy lifestyle. It is possible to combine pleasure and wellness when on holiday.
Preserving long-term health and vitality is a great way to show gratitude and value to our mental and physical bodies and to our loved ones – and isn’t that a core part of celebrating family and togetherness?
We know that a healthy lifestyle has to be a part of everyday living in order to prevent critical illnesses like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Sun safety, healthy eating, not abusing alcohol, not smoking, and remaining physical active are important practices we sometimes forget when on vacation.
Even with the best intentions, there are some common issues that may derail your healthy plans. Here are some simple ways to deal with them and start your holiday right:
1. Staying active during a busy schedule or time to relax.
Whether you can’t wait to rest and restore, or you have many social engagements, making time to have some physical activity in your day is a good idea.
Keep your family active during the holidays for at least 30 minutes of movement a day. You can walk, run, dance, enjoy the water, and maybe try a new physical activity outside of your usual habits during the water festival days.
If your day looks like it will involve primarily sitting, try a workout in the morning or early evening.
2. Gaining a bit of weight during the holiday.
If you gain a very few added kilos on vacation it is not the end of the world – as long as you jump back into healthy eating and exercise routine when you are back home. However, you may find it harder each time to lose those additional kilos.
You also might feel irritable, heavy, low on energy, because you are eating imbalanced and not getting feel-good endorphins from exercise. The pay off and work to get back to normal might not make it worth it!
To avoid gaining weight, research local fresh foods, eat smaller portions, bring healthy snacks to avoid overeating at big non-waist friendly meals, and stay hydrated. Alcohol is mostly sugar and calories. Drink moderately. Showing these healthy ways to eat to children will help them build good diet habits.
3. The people around me are making it hard to stay healthy.
Communication about what is important for you and your intentions to keep healthy choices always helps. Your friends and family will know what works best for you. You might inspire them too.
Others might be on an all-you-can-eat or excess indulge holiday, but that does not mean you have to be. When you enjoy treats, do so on your terms, not out of pressure.
If you want time to exercise, to rest more, or to eat differently make sure to do so. It is ok to ask others to be understanding and flexible and it definitely does not mean that you can’t have fun!
4. Keep safe in the sun.
Remember to take care in the sun. Always use sunscreen, wear a wide hat and putt on ultraviolet A and B protective sunglasses. No matter what colour tone your skin is, apply at least 30+ sunscreen protection (UVA/UVB protective) to exposed skin. If you are outdoors all day, reapply a few times.
Exposure to sunlight is the main factor for skin cancer. Negative effects of solar radiation build up over our lifetime but for many the majority of this happens during childhood and youth. For this reason, it is very important to teach children good sun protective habits.
Avoid exercise when the sun is strongest. People with heart conditions, elderly people over the age of 70, and overweight should take special care in the heat and stay extra hydrated.
5. Drink plenty of water.
Like the planet, our bodies are 60-75% made up of water. This precious resource is life-giving. Make sure to drink lots of fluids during your vacation. In the warm months aim for at least 2.5 litres every day. Water should be the majority of your liquids.
Drinking throughout the day is better than drinking large amounts a few times. This is especially true if you are eating salty food – in moderation as it is bad for blood pressure – and are in the heat.
Your performance will suffer when you are dehydrated, even if you don’t notice that you are thirsty. Dehydration is much more than this. It can be dangerous, particularly for elderly people, babies and infants, and people with diabetes, alcoholism or circulatory problems.
Symptoms include: sweating less than normal, dark-coloured urine, dry mouth, dry skin, feeling tired, headache, trouble concentrating, dizziness, a weak pulse and feeling very thirsty.
If someone is dehydrated, drink plenty of fluids. Avoid sugary and fizzy drinks, tea, alcohol, and coffee. Rehydration solutions, available at pharmacies or local corner stores, help replenish low levels of minerals lost.
As we step forward, it pays to do our best to preserve wellbeing and bring an auspicious and healthy year ahead!
PGH, or Preferred Global Health, is the valued partner and service provider to Tune Protect for the MSO myEliteDoctor. expert second medical opinion service.
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