myEliteDoctor helps Michelle survive breast cancer
By: PGH, Preferred Global Health
Genes are pieces of DNA that biological parents pass down. They influence things like the shape of your nose, the color of your eyes, the curve of your ears, the length of your toes.
One of these genes changed Michelle’s* life: BRCA2. BRCA2 is a gene that helps repair damaged DNA and prevent cancer tumors from forming. Women with a BRCA2mutation have an increased risk for developing both breast and ovarian cancer.
Although she leads a very active and healthy lifestyle, Michelle’s family history suggested a genetic predisposition to cancer. Two of her aunts had been diagnosed with cancer and she suspected her grandmother also died from breast cancer.
But she did not expect it to come so soon. At the age of 36, when she was looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed a large lump in her armpit.
Given her young age and family history, her doctors were concerned she could have hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome, that could be due to a mutation in one of her BRCA1 orBRCA2 genes. Genetic testing undertaken at a top hospital in Bangkok detected a mutation and confirmed the doctor’s suspicion.
Michelle wanted to be sure her diagnosis was complete and the extensive treatment plan her doctor suggested was the right one to start on from the beginning. This treatment included chemotherapy, bilateral mastectomy as precaution, and radiation.
Because she has myEliteDoctor as a benefit in her FlexiPlan insurance, she called Tune Protect’s customer service to inform them of her diagnosis. Within one business day, a Personal Care Manager contacted her and a call was set up to understand Michelle’s needs and situation. Her Personal Care Manager works for Preferred Global Health (PGH), the service provider of myEliteDoctor and Tune Protect’s partner to provide access to top specialist doctors in the US.
A licensed nurse with experience in cancer care, her Personal Care Manager helped Michelle through each step and coordinated the myEliteDoctor service.
Firstly, Michelle requested her medical records from her medical team, which they were happy to provide as patients own their health information and can have copies.
One of the most recognized hospitals and medical schools in the US, Harvard Medical School affiliated hospital Dana-Farber Cancer Institute was chosen, specifically their Center for BRCA and related genes.
Michelle’s medical case and documents were carefully examined by not just one single doctor, but an interdisciplinary team of experts with complimentary specialties in diagnosing and treating breast cancer and knowledge of latest therapies.
They found that the breast cancer diagnosis and genetic mutation was correct. On the treatment, their expert opinion shared that a targeted drug therapy had shown very good results for patients with BRCA2 mutation. This drug available in Thailand was added to Michelle’s treatment.
Michelle’s treating team in Thailand also spoke on a videocall to the specialist in the US, sharing details over the treatment. This gave Michelle and her family even more peace of mind.
The Personal Care Manager helped Michelle feel comfortable and understand everything about the full treatment, follow-up care, side effects, and other risks of the mutation.
In the future, she would have to be on the lookout for recurring cancers in the breast or ovaries particularly.
The doctors also suggested that direct female members, like her sister, undergo genetic testing. Luckily the test revealed her sister does not have the BRCA2 mutation.
Cancer treatment can affect fertility. Michelle would make the decision to preserve fertility should she want a second child. She received support about balancing motherhood with a young child and cancer, and made sure that her husband and family also knew what was coming.
Throughout her treatment and recovery, Michelle was lucky to have the support of her family and a flexible and understanding work environment.
To prevent and detect another cancer at an early stage, Michelle knows she must keep up with cancer screening and check-ups. She can counsel her younger cousins to prepare and respond – and live full lives with the power of knowledge.
PGH, or Preferred Global Health, is an independent global patient organization. PGH is the valued partner and service provider to Tune Protect for myEliteDoctor expert second medical opinion service.
myEliteDoctor is included free of charge with eligible myFlexi CI plans that offer coverage up to 3,000,000 baht for 5 critical disease groups.
*This is a real story customer from PGH but anonymized. PGH, or Preferred Global Health, is the valued partner and service provider to Tune Protect for the MSO myEliteDoctor. expert second medical opinion service.
*Patient stories are real experiences and thank you letters received by PGH. They reflect and are applicable to individual experience and may not be indicative of future results. To protect confidentiality, personal details have been changed.
* Any product benefits, coverages and premiums subjected to insurance plan you have selected. Please read and understand the plan, underwriting conditions, coverages, exclusion and its policy wording before applying the insurance