Reasons Why You Should Buy COVID-19 Insurance
As nowadays, coronavirus can adapt themselves to every environment which means you can get infected easily such as the UK variant that spreading in Thailand right now or India and Brazil variant that the situation is getting worse and the virus spreads pretty quickly. Besides that, the Thai government has announced that in the way for you to get Thai visas, health insurance (covid 19 covered) is required. Not only having covid insurance is necessary for foreigners who want to enter Thailand but it is also necessary for Thai nationals who return to the kingdom and foreigners who live in Thailand too because it can help save some of your money. According to the covid-19 situation in Thailand, the number of new cases are increased every single day. Therefore, if you are looking for inexpensive covid-19 insurance, Tune Protect is perfect for you. The price is totally affordable for both of them.
Covid-19 Insurance for foreigners
The travel insurance is called ‘Tune iPass’ for foreigners who willing to enter Thailand.
The Lite Plan starts from only 2,299 Baht and you can choose your choices of coverage period from 30 to 365 days. It covers medical expenses which include Covid-19 up to 1.8 MB (about 50,000 USD) and covers over 480 hospitals all around Thailand. We also provide all the required documents you need to enter Thailand. It can save you a lot because as everyone knows the cost of medical treatment abroad is really high and overprice for travelers.
Covid-19 Insurance for Thai citizens who returning to Thailand and Foreigners who live here
The covid-19 insurance is called ‘iPass COVID-19’.
This is suitable for Thai nationals who returning to the kingdom and foreigners who live or extent their long stay in Thailand so you don’t have to keep paying for the insurance monthly and save yourself some money. The premiums start at 4,200 Baht per year which is a very good deal and a good investment in these daily unstable situations. The medical expenses cover up to 1.8 million Baht or equivalent to at least 50,000 USD. You only pay once and it covers expenses for a whole year if tested positive for covid-19 which is quite worth it if you ask me.
How to Purchase covid-19 insurance?
If you are interested in our covid-19 insurance, you can call 1183 to get more information about it or please visit our website www.tuneprotect.co.th to purchase the insurance online. Let us take care of you and make you travel and live conveniently.